Gypsy Moth Control


Mid to Late April is when gypsy moth larvae emerge. If community members are interested in controlling gypsy moths, they can place a piece of burlap around a tree trunk and secure it with twine/some sort of tie. Fold the burlap over the twine and the larvae will start going there to avoid the heat. Check traps each afternoon and place any larvae into a container filled with soapy water. If any egg masses are found, their can be scrapped into the soapy water as well.

This is a small scale control method but something fairly straight forward for community members to do. There are larger scale methods of control, such as aerial deployment of Bacillus thuringiensis (A naturally occurring bacteria that targets moths in their larval stage), however conservation authorities have not deemed this level of control necessary yet.


Burlap tied around a tree as a Gypsy Moth trapGypsy Moth larvae on burlap trapInfographic showing different species of gypsy moth larvae

Infographic showing life cycle of the Gypsy Moth with Months