Update: The Nuclear Ezhwebak

Dear SON Members, as part of our ongoing commitment to keep you informed and involved, we're pleased to share this update on how the SON Nuclear Advisory Committee (NAC) is addressing key nuclear issues affecting our land, water and people. This newsletter outlines our strategies and progress in dealing with legacy issue resolution, the proposed Deep Geological Repository by Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), and new developments concerning Bruce Power.

ADDRESSING OUR LEGACY: The Ongoing Impacts of the Nuclear Industry
For years, the presence of nuclear facilities has affected our Territory. Our fight includes dealing with past operations and waste left behind. We are continuing to engage with Ontario Power Generation (OPG) to ensure they recognize and compensate for their impacts based on our terms, respecting our right to self- determination. Our focus has been on financial compensation securing a voice in nuclear operations on our lands moving forward.
Key Actions:
• Working with OPG to ensure there is an acceptable resolution to the Legacy Issues.
• Updating agreements to better reflect our Nations' needs and rights.
• Our focus has been on financial compensation and making sure that the industry does not continue to use our Territory without our consent. We recently participated in hearings to make make sure nuclear waste from OPG's new small nuclear reactors would not come to SON Territory.

What is NAC?
The role of the Nuclear Advisory Committee (NAC) is to provide support to the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) Joint Council in decision making regarding nuclear issues affecting Anishinaabekiing. The NAC provides guidance on approaches and strategies for ensuring SON rights and interests are protected in relation to past, present, and potential future nuclear power projects. The Environment Office (EO) Energy team will support the NAC by providing technical support and coordination. NAC in collaboration with the EO, engages with SON Members on important nuclear issues.

Lacey Thompson

Communication Associate